Resolve: Update the established tables ranges to liquidate the income tax of natural persons, undivided successions, patrimonial increases from inheritances, legacies, donations, findings and any type of act or contract by which the domain is acquired by gratuitous...
Frequently Asked Questions
REPORT ECUADORIAN TAX REGIME This report covers the general tax regime applicable to all companies or branches of foreign companies established in Ecuador. ACCOUNT AND TAXES Branch operations in Ecuador are generally subject to the same legal regulations and...
Mediation and arbitration
National and international arbitration By Diego Romero P Arbitrator and President of the Board of Directors of the Arbitration and Mediation Center of the Ecuadorean American Chamber of Commerce of Quito- 2011-2013 and Partner of Romero Arteta Ponce Attorneys at Law....
Franchising in Ecuador
Despite recent the economic crisis and downturns in several important countries in the region, Latin America still remains a crucial trading and investment area for multinationals. For after over a decade of full-blown globalization efforts by the government and...
Social Media Guides for Lawyers
The world is changing. More people log into Facebook each day than Google. Social media recently surpassed pornography in the number of Internet users. Eighty-three percent of Fortune 500 companies have a presence on social media platforms, such as Facebook, LinkedIn,...