Aug 3, 2022

That SRI Resolution No. NAC-DGERCGC22-00000024, published in the Official Gazette Second Supplement No.80, dated June 9, 2022, provides that taxpayers required to pay Income Tax, and that issue invoices, as of the date said Resolution goes into effect, are not yet required to issue sales receipts (which include invoices, credit notes, purchase settlements), withholding slips, and other complementary documents, using electronic versions. However, they are required to issue such documents electronically by November 29, 2022, as provided in the Fourth Transitional Provision of the Organic Law for Economic Development and Fiscal Sustainability following the COVID-19 Pandemic.

Based on the resolutions issued by the Internal Revenue Service, individuals and companies that are not considered to be taxpayers subject to income tax payments but are: i) required to invoice, and ii) as of the date this Resolution goes into effect, are not yet required to issue electronic sales receipts (invoices), withholding slips, and complementary documents, need to begin issuing electronic documents of this type by November 29, 2022.

Under the Resolution, taxpayers required to issue invoices are made up of all taxpayers that are included in the Unique Taxpayer Registry (RUC) and that are required to issue and deliver sales receipts, withholding slips, and complementary documents as set out in the current tax law.

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