Romero Arteta Ponce RAP Law Firm Ecuador represents several international airlines currently operating in Ecuador.
Our aviation specialists handle all aviation regulatory matters and obtain and keep current all requisite permits, licenses and authorizations.
In addition, we have extensive experience in litigating and mediating airline accident claims.
Representing London reinsurance companies, Romero Arteta Ponce RAP Law Firm Ecuador mediated many cases in different areas.
We provide legal advice to airlines about everything regarding to concession obtaining, operating permits, modifications to operating permits, aircraft leasing, records, contract issues in general.
Our Aviation Department has many years of experience since we represent airlines such as Panagra, Eastern Airlines which later became American Airlines, Air Cargo Challenger which later became Federal Express and we now provide legal advice to Delta Airlines since the beginning of its operations in Ecuador; this counseling includes all regulatory issues about aeronautic operation in Ecuador, especially with the Civil Aviation Authority of Ecuador and the National Council of Civil Aviation.
New Airport of Quito
The Firm was selected by the company Companhia de Concessões Rodoviárias (CCR) for the preparation of a Due Diligence regarding the acquisition of 45.5% of participations that the Brazilian company maintained, in a concession for 20 years, made by the Municipality of Quito for the operation of the New Airport of Quito.
The team of lawyers of the Firm was led by Partner Gustavo Romero and the process lasted approximately one year, considering that there were multiple documents to be analyzed, mainly the Airport´s concession contracts, its reforms and amendments, contracts for the use of soils, expropriation of roads, expropriation of lands, consulting contracts for the construction of civil works, contracts with each of the dealers in the commercial areas of the Airport, tax issues, labor issues, and everything that involves a concession of this nature. The amount of the transaction exceeded one hundred million dollars, and the business transaction was successfully completed.